Java Data Types
April 30, 2017
Categorised in: Java Core
Java has 2 data types
- Primitives
- Objects
Primitive Data Type
- Numbers, characters and booleans.
- Stored in fastest available memory — for faster access to data.
- Names given are all in lowercase — so you can distinguish them from complex objects.
- One exception data type that is not a primitive: String
Declaring Primitive Variables
- Java is statically typed language unlike JavaScript or Python which are dynamic languages.
- All variables must have their types declared.
- Example:
- int aVar = 5;
- Example elaborated:
- int -> data type which stays fixed once assigned as Java allocated memory for you depending on the data type. You cannot change this at run-time.
- aVar -> Identifier which starts with lowercase and later we use Camel casing.
- 5 -> value
Numeric Primitive Data Types
- byte
- Bits: 8
- Minimum: -128
- Maximum: 127
- short
- Bits: 16
- Minimum: -32,768
- Maximum: 32,767
- int
- Bits: 32
- Minimum: -2,147,483,648
- Maximum: 2,147,483,647
- long
- Bits: 64
- Minimum: -9.22337E+18
- Maximum: 9.22337E+18
- float (32 bits)
- double (64 bits)
Helper Classes in Java
- Java has helper classes for each primitive.
- These classes support conversion and formatting.
- Data Type — Helper Class (Take note of lowercase and uppercase)
- byte — Byte
- short — Short
- int — Integer
- long — Long
- float — Float
- Example of usage:
- java.lang.Double supports double values
double doubleVal = 134.6d; //d is alpha character to explicitly set the value as double and not float Double doubleObject = new Double(doubleVal); //helper object byte byteVal = doubleObject.byteValue(); //convert to byte int intVal = doubleObject.intValue(); //convert to int float floatVal = doubleObject.floatValue(); //convert to float String stringVal = doubleOject.toString(); //convert to string
- java.lang.Double supports double values
Primitive Defaults
- Primitive numeric values default to 0.
- Example:
- int someInt;
- System.out.println(“Value of unassigned int is: ” +someInt);
- //OUTPUT: Value of unassigned int is: 0
Guess the output
byte b = 127; b++; System.out.println("Value of b: " + b);
Value of b: 128
Wrong! Real Output:
Value of b: -128
Maximum of byte is 127. So incrementing on 127 will wrap around the value.
byte b = 127; /* Byte helper class has a constant MAX_VALUE field that represents the largest value the data type can have */ if( b < Byte.MAX_VALUE) { b++; } System.out.println("Value of b: " + b); //OUTPUT: //Value of b: 127
Pratik Kataria is currently learning Springboot and Hibernate.
Technologies known and worked on: C/C++, Java, Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, WordPress, Angular, Ionic, MongoDB, SQL and Android.
Softwares known and worked on: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe After Effects.